Our Process


Get Back on Your Feet with
Help from NC Claims Pro

Whether you’re seeking to initiate a new property damage claim or wish to reinitiate a prior claim to pursue enhanced compensation discussions, we’re here to assist you. Beyond merely assembling all requisite evidence for claim submission, we can also evaluate claims data to pinpoint any possible inconsistencies that might impact the targeted claim amount.

Our Claim Process


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Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

The majority of property owners lack familiarity with their local insurance claim regulations. To optimize your settlement outcome, engaging the services of public adjusters proves to be a prudent choice. These experts leverage their knowledge and experience to secure more substantial settlements. While many insurance companies are willing to honor your claim, they are bound by fiscal considerations and the imperative to safeguard their profits.

Insurance companies often deploy in-house adjusters to evaluate your property, but their allegiance might not align with your interests. Furthermore, they might downplay potential damage costs to minimize payouts. At NC Claims Pro, our public adjusters are unreservedly committed to your cause, diligently safeguarding your interests.

Collaborating with proficient claims adjusters effectively eliminates the usual stress and concerns. Our public adjusters maintain objectivity, devoid of emotional ties to the property. This objectivity enables them to systematically navigate the process and optimize the financial recompense attainable through your claim.


A Public Adjuster is an advocate who operates on behalf of individuals, families, or businesses rather than the insurance company. Their primary function is to represent and negotiate for their clients when dealing with insurance claims. Public Adjusters are required to hold licenses and adhere to state regulations.

No, you’re not obligated to undertake property repairs or replacements to receive a settlement. Many clients have opted to receive a payout and forgo the repair process, a path we have assisted numerous clients with.

No, only licensed public adjusters have the authority to negotiate and adjust claims on behalf of policyholders.

In some insurance policies, there are additional coverages that, when properly documented, may enable you to recover amounts exceeding the stated policy limits where applicable.

When you’re dealing with a property damage claim, your insurance policy typically requires you to substantiate your losses to the insurance company. However, many people are uncertain about how to go about assessing the extent of their damages. It’s crucial to note that the insurance company is only liable for what you can provide evidence for.

The insurance company employs various experts to evaluate the claim from their perspective, which might not always align with your best interests. A public adjuster, on the other hand, acts in your favor and ensures that you receive fair representation throughout the insurance claims process.

It’s advisable to enlist the services of a Public Adjuster immediately after experiencing a loss. Insurance company representatives may attempt to direct your claim in a way that doesn’t necessarily benefit you. By having us on the scene promptly, we can steer your claim back towards a path that aligns with your goals. We explore all available options in collaboration with you to ensure that your desired outcome is achieved as a team.

Our services never require an upfront payment. Instead, we earn a small percentage of your final settlement, which is only paid when you have received compensation from the insurance company. Our clients consistently secure significantly larger cash settlements than the initial offers from their insurance providers—ranging from 40% more to as much as 700% more.

You have the freedom to choose the contractor of your preference for your property repairs. If you don’t already have a contractor in mind, we can assist you in identifying one that suits your specific needs. It’s important to emphasize that throughout the entire claims process, you retain the autonomy to select the vendors you wish to work with; it’s not dictated by the insurance company.

Re-Open Your Claim

NC Claims Pro is a family-owned company that covers cases within a two-hour radius. We strive to always deliver the best results, along with the best service for our clients.

Our Office: Garner, North Carolina

Email: Austin@NCClaimsPro.com

Call: (910) 372-2500